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Just an idol

The fifth stone woman today is the main mystery.

The opinion was expressed that her appearance at the university is associated with the name of V.V. Sapozhnikov. During one of his expeditions to Altai, he discovered a stone woman, about which he reported to Tomsk. In a letter to the trustee of the West Siberian educational district V.M. Florinsky on August 4, 1897, he describes his find as follows: “I saw a beautifully made “stone woman”, accidentally dug out of the ground by a Kyrgyz in a few days. It depicts a man holding a glass in his right hand and a short sword in his left; no legs. The height from the base is about 2 arshins. The shape of the entire image is flatter” (Alma Mater, 10/25/2011). However, the description of this specimen by V.V. Sapozhnikov clearly does not correlate with the statue installed in the northern part of the grove.  

At present, there is another version: perhaps this sample, like the first three women who entered the university, comes from the territory of Semirechye, from the valley of the Naryn River (modern territory of the Naryn region, Kyrgyzstan). However, this version is still insufficiently substantiated.

E.V.  Badgers

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